Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Floating down the Nile part 2

Posted Tues 26th. The ship is off and I'm off upstairs for a few quick photos in the early sun. After breakfast I go up on deck seriously. It's freezing - the wind has a cutting edge like a Wellington southerly. Come with me as we pass 2-man fishing boats, minarets gleaming in the sun, birds flying in formation, palm trees, a large bird landing on the ship's railing, cellphone towers.

Eventually I'm so cold I can't stand it any more anso I go back to the cabin and 'rug up' in polar fleece, nylon parka and woolly hat. Sunglasses complete my viewing ensemble. A small boat comes past towing two larger ones; attached behind it are two feluccas and a dinghy. Birds circle over a ruffled patch in the river, then dive for fish. The mist/murk is down almost to ground (or rather river) level so I cannot see the other boat that left just before us. Every now and then there's another small boat, one or two fishermen aboard, clumps of what look like toitois (but are probably papyrus growing in the river). There are lots of reed islands.

Mountains in the distance. The sun is in front of us as we travel south east. We overtake a barge carrying a large stack of dry stalks - maybe sugar cane. In quick succession nine cruise boats pass us, heading north. La Traviata, Albatros, Adonis, Giselle - lovely names.

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